Social investors are needed to create affordable market housing
Affordable housing is a prerequisite for the social and economic growth of every household. The private market provides most affordable housing in the U.S. but it is aging and in need of repair. Unfortunately, redevelopment displaces lower income households. But without new investment, the housing will deteriorate until it is uninhabitable. Either way, lower income households end up in substandard housing, risk homelessness and cannot afford necessities. Socially conscious investors can resolve this dilemma by funding acquisition and rehabilitation of housing for Renting Partnerships. We will master lease and operate the housing so that owners receive a return and realize tax benefits. Residents will be able to sublease from Renting Partnerships at affordable rates because their rents don't need to cover the mortgage. To find out more about this initiative, which we call "Dividend Housing," please call Margery Spinney at 513 -368-5913. We will be happy to arrange a presention.